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nose piercing

What to avoid eating after getting a nose piercing?

Nose piercing is a popular body modification. It can be done by yourself or with the help of an expert. You should know that after getting a nose piercing, there are certain things you need to avoid eating or drinking. Here is a list of these drinks and food to avoid after nose piercing :

  • Alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and hard liquor;
  • Caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, etc.;
  • Tuna fish;
  • Nuts like walnuts and almonds;

What foods to avoid after a nose piercing?

  • Avoid foods that are big, crunchy, spicy, and hot. The piercing may be too close to the face to handle when you’re eating something like a hot dog or chipotle burrito.
  • Avoid sugary foods as they can cause discomfort and infection around the area of your nose piercing. Avoid fruit juices as well; they contain natural sugars, which will only worsen if you have those delicious pickles on top!
  • It’s also vital to avoid salty foods since salt can irritate the sensitive skin around your nose cartilage if eaten in large quantities over time (think about how much sodium we add during fast food meals). Try sticking with low-sodium versions of these dishes instead so as not to cause further irritation on top of what has already been caused by such an intense change happening inside our bodies physiologically throughout life itself.
  • Big-size foods

  • Avoid eating big-size foods: Bigger items can cause swelling, pain, and bleeding. It is better to eat small portions of the same food item instead of having more than one type. Also, avoid taking large quantities of food during each mealtime as this may result in bloating and discomfort after consuming it.
  • Crunchy foods

  • Don’t eat popcorn. This is a no-brainer, and you should already know it anyway.
  • Don’t eat chips. Chips are the absolute worst thing to eat after getting your nose pierced because they’re so crunchy and hard to chew that chewing them will cause your nose ring to shift around in the hole and make it impossible for you to breathe correctly again until it heals up again (and trust me: this is not something any parent wants).
  • Don’t eat nuts or chocolate, either! Both foods can be tough on an empty stomach—especially if said meal consists only of one food type (like nuts) or two foods that don’t go together well (like chocolate). I recommend eating these things before eating anything else; otherwise, you’ll wind up with a stomachache when all those flavors hit their peak intensity after eating just one layer of each item separately instead…
  • Spicy foods

  • Spicy foods can irritate your piercing.
  • Spicy foods can cause bleeding.
  • Spicy foods can cause pain, swelling, and infection.
  • Spicy foods may also cause scarring or discoloration due to the inflammation caused by spicy food.
  • Hot drink with steam!

This is a severe no-no for any piercing, especially for your nose piercing. The boiling point of water is 212°F, so you shouldn’t drink hot drinks after getting a nose piercing (or any other part of your body). If you’re going to steam your face, make sure it’s done over ice water or under cold running water so as not to get scalded by steam burns on the sensitive skin around your eyes and ears!

Acidic and Sour Foods

Acidic and sour foods are unsuitable after getting a nose piercing. Avoid citrus fruits, lemons, tomatoes, and vinegar. Pickles should also be avoided because they contain salt, which can irritate your skin around the piercing site if you eat them often. Salad dressing is another thing that should be avoided as it contains oil which will increase your chances of getting an infection at the site where you had put in that new stud or barbells.

You might want to try other options like ketchup (don’t worry whether it has sugar), salsa, or mustard instead of regular mayo-type dressings on salads but remember these varieties contain preservatives, so be careful when choosing them!

  • Sugary foods

Sugary foods such as candy, ice cream, chocolate, and other sugary treats can cause infection. They can also cause swelling, bleeding, and pain in your nose piercing after a while because the body has to fight off a disease with its immune system. Sugar contains calories that you may want to keep around for energy when exercising but not if you want a healthy diet filled with vitamins and minerals!

Chocolate is one of my favorite things ever, so I understand how people feel about it being unhealthy. Still, I think it’s important to remember that there are many other options besides what seems like “regular” chocolate bars at grocery stores (or maybe even online?). Try some dark chocolates instead – they tend to be less sweet than milk chocolate, so that they won’t have as much sugar content per serving size as regular ones.

Things to avoid after nose piercing

The best way to avoid infection is to keep your piercing clean and dry. But if you’re not careful, you could get an infection anyway. Here are some things that can lead to disease:

  • It would help if you avoided antiseptics because they can cause irritation and swelling in your nose. This can make it harder for the body’s immune system to fight off germs, which means more chances of getting sick!
  • Don’t play with your piercing after it heals; this includes touching or manipulating it (like moving/changing rings). Please wait until after all swelling has gone down before doing anything else!
  • Swimming is also bad news for nose piercings—the chlorine found in pools and hot tubs will discolor them over time; this makes them look darker than usual, which isn’t great if you want people not to notice them at all time everywhere else besides where ever no matter sees them first thing after waking up each morning regardless whether they’re still sleeping inside one night later on during those same days since yesterday nights sleep pattern doesn’t matter either way here either way only matters what happens over here right now.
  • Avoid antiseptics

  • Antiseptics are a no-no. They can irritate your piercing and cause infections, leading to swelling and redness.
  • Avoid using oil-based products like Vaseline or corn oil if you wear any jewelry for extended periods (like swimming). These products can get into the holes in your ears and cause an infection that can last for months or even years!
  • Don’t play with your piercing!

  • Don’t touch the piercing.
  • Don’t play with your piercing.
  • Please don’t use any jewelry other than the one provided by the piercer unless you’re sure it’s made of stainless steel and titanium (which is what most people use).
  • Avoid swimming 

Swimming is one of the most popular sports. But if you’re a nose piercing and swimming simultaneously, it could be dangerous for your piercing.

For starters, avoid swimming in saltwater for at least three to four weeks after getting a nose piercing. This is because when we swim in salt water, our skin loses moisture and becomes dehydrated, which can cause infections or even chafe on our skin. Also, we should avoid going into hot springs since they contain bacteria that may lead to ailments if ingested by humans (or any other animals).

Also, avoid dirty waters such as lakes or rivers because they might contain harmful substances like parasites that can infect people with diseases such as malaria or yellow fever if they drink from these sources without proper precautions being taken first!

  Avoid sport!

  • Avoid contact sports. If your piercing is still healing and hasn’t healed completely, then avoiding contact sports such as boxing or martial arts is best.
  • Swimming can also cause problems because of the pressure on the earlobe area while in water; this pressure may cause swelling or infection of your piercing.
  • Exercise should be avoided until at least two weeks after having a new piercing put in place because training can stress out your body and cause more blood loss than usual (which could lead to anemia). This can also make it harder for you to heal properly if there are any complications during the recovery period following surgery!
  • Don’t change your piercing!

Please don’t change your piercing until it is healed.

Please don’t change the jewelry until it is healed.

Wait to change the jewelry until you are sure it is healed, even if you think there might be complications with an infection or other issues that need attention. When you get your nose pierced, make sure that both pieces of jewelry (the barbell and studs) are not only in place but also anchored securely against each other so they won’t fall out while swimming or sleeping without noticing them at all!


So, before getting a nose piercing, we recommend you read these tips and advice about what foods to avoid after a nose hit.